All four churches have one or more Sacristans who prepare and clean up the altar for Mass and for other rites as needed. They also assist the priest when needed.
All four churches have Altar Servers who assist the priest on the altar during Mass on Sunday, Holy Days, and weekdays (when available). They also assist at other rites when needed. Altar Servers must have received First Communion and must attend a training session as scheduled by the pastor.
All four churches have Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who assist the priest in distributing the Holy Eucharist during Mass on Sundays. Each Mass has its own set of Extraordinary Ministers. They also carry the Eucharist to the sick and shut-ins who are not able to attend Mass. Ministers must attend a special training session as scheduled by the pastor before serving.
All four churches have Lectors who read the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word during Mass on Sundays, Holy Days and weekdays. They must be able to speak clearly and must attend a training session scheduled by the pastor.
Each Mass has a choir. Volunteers are needed for all choirs. Volunteer musicians are needed to play the piano or guitar at all churches and for all Masses (6:15pm Vigil, 10:15am and 12:30pm Sunday) and for Holy Days. Cantors are needed as well as individuals to lead the Mass songs.
All four churches have ushers and greeters who assist parishioners and visitors as they arrive for Mass. Ushers also take attendance and collect the envelopes. They help anyone who may get sick or need special assistance during the Mass. Ushers must attend a training session as scheduled by the pastor.
Our Youth Ministry empowers young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. We are calling our young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community. This ministry fosters total personal and spritual growth within each young person.
Visit our Youth Ministry Calendar to keep up with coming events. Our next event:
Youth Ministry members, sign up for our Flocknotes group below to receive important notices.
Holy Trinity Food Pantry Ministry
Mission Statement:
The goal for the Holy Trinity Food Pantry is to provide food assistance to the needy in an organized and timely manner to help combat hunger in the Orangeburg area.
Our program serves about 20 clients each week. These clients are interviewed for eligibility and receive a box of food approximately once every two months. Our budget for these food boxes is approximately $650 per month. St. Andrews United Methodist Church contributes additional food each week to help supplement our program. Holy Trinity is also associated with Harvest Hope, a federal food bank in Columbia. This partnership allows us to distribute more quality, quantity, as well as a wider variety of food to our recipients.
We are not an emergency food program, but rather work with families that have demonstrated a chronic need for supplemental food. When a new client is identified and interviewed, they will be scheduled. Our program receives referrals from Deacon Gary Janelle, and other social services. We use the same food assistance application that is used by Harvest Hope Food Bank and adhere to government assistance guidelines that identifies clients living at 200% below the poverty level. All forms are filed in a secure manner.
Upon receiving a box of food, each client is given a return appointment and card with their return date as well as our contact information.
We are grateful to the Lord for our faithful volunteers and our ability to serve those in need in our community.
Holy Trinity Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry members, sign up for our Flocknotes group below to receive important notices.
Holy Trinity Prison Ministry
Welcome to the Holy Trinity Prison Ministry! We serve the Catholic Community at the Allendale Correctional Institute. They call themselves Saint Thomas the Apostle inside the Walls. We do the primary weekly Mass/prayer service in English and Spanish (Bilingual) every Tuesday from Noon to 3 PM, followed by stations, rosary, divine mercy and RCIA depending on time available and a shorter prayer service on Thursday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm in Spanish interpreted into English. Thursdays include a bible study/RCIA class. To get started please fill out the attached form and send or email it to Holy Trinity and we will submit it to the State DOC. It takes several weeks to get approval. For more detailed information contact Deacon Gary.
To begin the application process to join our ministry, please download the following two documents, fill out and return to Deacon Gary.
Prison Ministry members, sign up for our Flocknotes group below to receive important notices.
Altar Guild (English and Spanish)
All four churches have an Altar Guild or ministry members who clean the each church. They work in teams and follow a monthly schedule. More members are needed for the existing teams or to form new teams.
Holy Trinity Rosary Makers (English and Spanish)
The Holy Trinity Rosary Makers meet monthly to make rosaries for missions and for candidates for the sacraments. All are welcome and will be taught how to make the rosaries at the meetings.
Holy Trinity Ladies Auxiliary, St. Theresa Altar Society, and St. Andrew Ladies
Open to all ladies of the parish, the ladies groups raise money to assist the parish, plan programs especially for women, and organize potluck suppers, and special activities for the parishioners.
Respect Life Ministry
The mission of Holy Trinity's Respect Life ministry is to help parishioners understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life from conception to natural death.
St. Paul said we should always be ready to give a reason for our hope. We believe that we can change the culture by engaging in conversations about life issues when the opportunities arise, therefore, we must be prepared. Join this ministry to be encouraged and become prepared to build a culture of life.
Our ministry has an e-mail list, open to all that want to keep up with local events. To join the email list or for other questions contact Deacon Gary or Beth Lengel at